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9 thoughts on “Home

  1. rumandcakes

    Hi ! I have nominated you for bloggers recognition award.
    Now you post same on your site and write my name in nominated by “Rashmi or paste the site address” and answer the questions :
    1.Why I blog ?
    2.2 tips for new bloggers
    And nominate 4 new bloggers including me.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Your blogs are so nice and heart touching

    This is my new blog. Pls follow and share this blog.

    What are the benefits of having physical education and sports in India?
    In which way does physical education and sports help?
    Do you think that physical education(in India) must be made a mandatory subject at schools and colleges?
    Does physical education and sports play a vital role in education and society?
    Are we giving proper attention to physical education and sports?
    Is there a proper way to develop physical education system?

    Click on the link below to check out my new blog on the topic The Role of Physical Education and Sports in India:


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